A short documentary filmed and produced by Christian Finn.
Modular beats/noises by Geoff Kraly (Paris Monster)
He has developed two main methods, Speed Painting and Vignettes
Speed painting
In 2011 he began to experiment with speed painting. Taking a brush and painting knife and making marks without thinking he had to have risk, intention and then execute those intentions. On 27/3/2015 at precisely 2.36am while listening to electronic dance music on Btraits, the idea of painting as a performance art came to him. Painting like the DJ's reacting to the music instantaneously. He expanded that to react to the events that happen all around him all of the time.
In 2016 he did his first live performance for the BBC Hereford & Worcester's Malcolm Boyden show. Developing his techniques in 2017 he produced a painting a day, in 2018 he painted one a month and now in 2019 he is painting one a day again but in 5 minutes or under, recording each one.
During a holiday in France in 2013 he started to sketch fragments of the scene in front of him that caught his attention, putting them together to form a vignette. The vignettes were then expanded and worked on in acrylic.
A time lapse of the painting done over 2 hours.
On 17th August 2019 Phil produced a painting live in front of an audience. This was his first (never been done before by him) one man show to share the incredible energy that he brings to his paintings and to bounce off a live audience. There was no preparation or pre-planning, it was truly without a safety net.
The evening consisted of:
- An introduction to Phil Ironside and how he got to this point, his inspiration and techniques.
- The performance of a painting 2.4m x1.5m with commentary of his thought processes.
- Question and answer session
- Auction of the painting for charity
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